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– You Have the Villa, We have the Solutions –
The Lombok Lodge Hospitality offers full Property Management services
With more than 14 years of experience in the Lombok Tourist industry, we provide a whole property management service to you as a villa owner. We have a proven track records of generating considerable revenue, superb maintenance, and outstanding service standards recognized by guests worldwide.
During our years of operations in Lombok, we have built positive relationships with major players in the industry. These connections enable us to generate a proven track record of considerable revenue. We have a reputation for providing great customer service, and applying the highest industry standards in terms of hospitality services.
We are employing more than 80 highly trained employees and deliver personalized and customized hospitality- and villa management services.
European standards of care and quality with charming Asian Touches.
We aim to prevent and solve all the problems efficiently and professionally for owners, making it a hassle-free experience. At the same time, we provide top-notch hospitality service to all villa guests, making their experiences memorable and unique.
We trust that your property has a lot of potential and with all the experience and expertise we offer by The Lombok Lodge Hospitality Services, we can help you to boost revenues and maximize profits from your villa.
– Y E A R S – O F – E X P E R I E N C E –
We have years of experience operating in the villa industry in Lombok, so we are familiar with the customers’ needs and can accurately predict and set the correct positioning, pricing, and competitive strategies for villas of different categories. Our one review pages have one of the largest number of positive reviews and most of our online listings are on the front page for maximum exposure.
– P R O F E S S I O NA L – O R G A N I Z A T I O N –
As a Belgian family passioned by service, we operate on the highest international standards. We have departments in sales, marketing, e-commerce, accounting, and reservation, each with its own expertise in the field to comprise a cooperative and efficient whole.
– W I D E – R A N G E – O F – P A R T N E R S –
From our years of experience, we have built positive connections with the big players in the industry, including villa suppliers, villa agents, tour agents, and many others. With this extensive network, we can guarantee the maximum exposure for your property and the most savings from operational expenses.
– R E S E R V A T I O N –
A professional team of reservationists takes care of guest’s requests, inquires about their specific needs and demands, and pre-arrange their requests with the operational team for a start of the perfect holiday. They will, with their professional training, act as the representative of the villa to fulfil every demand.
The team also takes care of numerous requests from all online and offline agents, using the most up-to-date reservation and booking software, to avoid any double-booking or mistakes, maximizing efficiency.
As a villa owner, will receive a special link to your property and get real-time updates on any new reservation through email. You can sit back and relax, while we take care of the communication with the guests.
– C H E C K – I N / C H E C K – O U T –
As with many private villa rentals, the biggest headache will be the undetermined guests’ check-in time. It might be 2 am in the morning, or an unannounced arrival early in the morning. However, with our professional team of villa managers, this will no longer be a hassle.
The team will pre-arrange check-in time with the guests, and wait for them no matter how late it is into the night, and always with a big smile on their face to settle them into the villa.
With years of experience, they’re also experts in complaint solving and negotiation. They will be the one to communicate with guests who check-out late with professional attitudes to guarantee a satisfactory result.
Every villa has its unique characteristics and different safety precautions, so our villa manager team will introduce the villa individually to the guests and showcase them as a piece of art.
– S O C I A L – M E D I A – & – S E O –
Social media and SEO can enhance your booking by reaching prospective guest and boosting your brand.
– W E B – D E S I G N – & – D E V E L O P M E N T –
Your villa will have a page at our responsive website to showcase your property and boost up your digital existence. E-Commerce Distribution. Your villa will be distributed through our partners, villa agents, our client database, online travel agents, tour operators, etc.
– P H O T O – & – V I D E O G R A P H Y –
We provide professional photo and video shooting using professional equipment and drone. Then professional quality of editing using the best softwares.
– V I L L A – M A I N T E N A N C E –
The upkeep of your villa is absolutely essential, and this goes beyond being in perfect working order and every feature and facility available to guests.
Besides the above Owner’s services related to Management and Maintenance,
we offer a Luxury 5-Star Service to you as a Villa Owner
– Because You Deserve It –
S E R V I C E – P L A T F O R M S
As a Villa Owner, you will be offered a special Owner’s Discount for all activities & services
The Lombok Lodge has to offer, including car transfer services, boat trips and so much more.As a Villa Owner, you will have access to below Online Service Platform
O N L I N E – F R E S H – M A R K E T
Available for your daily order & delivery of fresh ingredients as Fresh Fish, (Wagyu) Beef, Chef Jiwa’s Housemade Croissants and so much more.
G O U R M E T – M A R K E T
Available for Gourmet Meal Delivery Services.
Home Made Pizza, Sandwiches, delicious home-made Ice Creams, Barbecue Arrangements, Fine Wines & Spirits, Cheese Platters and so much more
A – S K Y – F U L L – O F – S T A R S
Housekeeping Services, Waiter Services, Chef Services, Spa Services,
all at a special rate for Villa Owners & Relatives.
L O M B O K – T O U R S – & – A C T I V I T I E S
An owner’s discount will be offered to Villa Owners & Relatives
B R A N D – A M B A S S A D O R S – S E R V I C E S
As a Villa Owner we will proud to have you as a Brand Ambassador for The Lombok Lodge Hospitality Services.
Your personal Brand Ambassador’s Business Cards will be provided, featuring a QR Code for Exclusive Private Villa Reservations. A unique booking code for your Private Beach Villa, will make it easy for your relatives to make online reservations.
Transparency is the keyword we use to maintain trust with villa owners, as every step of our operation is documented and traceable. You can always require to see the details of every expense and we have all the receipts, documents, and photos to support every decision we have made.
M O N T H L Y – R E P O R T
You will receive a detailed monthly report, all the reservations made on your villa, revenue, expenses, occupancy, average daily rate, month / year to date statistics, etc. In this reader friendly report, you would clearly see the performance of your villa and all justifiable operational expenses.
– C O M M U N I C A T I O N –
We believe communication with villa owners is our priority and we will never make any decision on your villa without your consent. Whether it is replacing the pool towel, repainting the wall, or renewing WiFi subscription, you have all the decision making power to choose whether to replace or repair it, and what brand / style / material / price would suit you. All the defects will be documented with pictures and options will be presented clearly for you to decide.
– O C C U P A N C Y –
You will be given a specific link to your property that you can check in real-time all the reservation details, including length of stay, name, rate, channel etc. so you can monitor your property even if you’re far away.